I got that album which I told you about before. I was surprised to see that I had drawn those monster total 865! It was so funny to see those after a long time. Here is some pictures about those monsters, it was hard to pick among 865 what I should show you.
And also, I tried to draw one monster again and see how it would look like. Pretty fun awake some old concept alive. You'll see what I did.
It turned out pretty nice!
(By the way, when you are just a child, and you are giving some random names to over 800 creatures, you Can imagine what accident names there will be which you didn't know what they mean... I will leave it up to your imagination!)
Söpö tuo Datsua :P
VastaaPoistaToi oli valtava työ, teit tota tosi paljon, muistelee tässä isäsi.
VastaaPoistavähänkö on sulosia! kauanko oot tehny?
VastaaPoistaNoita vanhoja vai? Vanhoja otuksia piirsin siis pienenä.. ikää en itse muista, mutta se taisi olla sellainen projekti että joku kesä saatoin piirtää niitä joka päivä koko ajan, joskus taas palasin taas vähän ajan kuluttua. Veikkaan että ainakin vuoden tein niitä?
PoistaUpeita hahmoja...
VastaaPoistaHeh kiitos. :D